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Building Rooms Using Templates

Architect 3D includes dozens of room templates that will make designing your home easy and fun. Templates are organized into several categories and are available on the Content pane. Templates are added by dragging from the Preview Bar into the 2D plan view, so be sure you can see the area where you want the template in the design window.


To place a template

1 Open the 3D Window View and then, in the right sidebar, click the Content tab. A pop-up menu is available in the pane that appears.

2 Choose Templates from the pop-up menu and then choose the library category you want.

Most of the library categories are organized into sub-categories, contained within disclosure triangles, for example, the Decks library. To access those libraries, click the disclosure triangle.


3 Scroll through the previews in the Preview Bar and drag the template you want into the design window.

(optional) Drag the template you just placed to move it to another location in the design.