

Menu: Solids / Torus


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Draws a solid torus.

Point 1: Center of the torus

Point 2: Center of the cross-section

Point 3: Radius of the cross-section

Specify the number of sides or facets around both the longitude and latitude of the torus. The more facets the torus has, the smoother it appears.


Vertex: The center for the cross-section of the torus is inscribed by a circle of the radius defined by the distance from Point 2 to Point 1. The torus is inscribed by a circle of the radius defined by the distance from Point 3 to Point 2.

Midpoint: The center for the cross-section circumscribes a circle of that radius. The cross- section of the torus circumscribes a circle of that radius.


Midpoint: The center for the cross-section circumscribes a circle of that radius. The cross- section of the torus circumscribes a circle of that radius.
