
Fill space behind clip art images with a solid color, paint over parts of a photo so that it blends into your background, or draw on the page.

Icon Descriptions:

  1. Add – Add a paint layer to your page.

  2. Brush – Drag your cursor within the paint layer to add color.

  3. Erase – Drag your cursor within the paint layer to remove added color.

  4. Style – Set the brush style from available shapes.

  5. Color – Set the color of the brush.

  6. Match – Use the color picker to set the brush color from an existing color in the project.

  7. Black – Set the color of the brush to black.

  8. White – Set the color of the brush to white.

  9. Mirror – Flip the paint layer horizontally.

  10. Flip – Flip the paint layer vertically.

  11. Left – Rotate the paint layer 90 degrees left.

  12. Right – Rotate the paint layer 90 degrees right.

  13. Remove – Delete the selected paint layer.

  14. Edit – Toggle in and out of the paint mode.

  15. Reset – Reset the paint layer to the originally added state.

  16. Brush Size – Drag left to make the brush or eraser smaller, drag right to make it larger.

  17. Opacity – Drag the slider left or right to increase or reduce the paint transparency.

  18. Rotation – Drag the slider left or right to apply a rotation.


Fig 10.18: Paint