Import an Address Book

  1. To import an Address Book from an existing .csv file format follow these steps.

  2. Select the project type you wish to personalize with names or addresses

  3. In the left-hand Design Tools navigation select Text

  4. From the Text tools option select Address

  5. You should now see the Address Book. Select Import to import your contacts

  6. Select Browse to find the .csv file you would like to import

  7. Open the .csv file and you will see the Import Contacts dialogue

  8. If your .csv file contains a Header Row with names or other data designations you can have that row removed from the import process by changing the Header Rows field

  9. Next, you must assign each of the columns a name. On the right side, you can assign each column to a matching address book field by using the pull-down menu option under the Name column.

  10. Assign each column you wish to import into PrintMaster 2022 a name and select Import.