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Page Canvas

Add backgrounds, clip art, images, text, and other objects to create your projects.

Right‐Click Options:

1. Right-clicking on an empty page canvas brings up paste options. Fig 9.1


Fig 9.1: Right-Click Options

2. Right-click on an object to bring up the following options:

· Bring to Front – Places the object on top of all other objects.

· Send to Back – Places the object behind all other objects.

· Bring Forward – Moves the object up one layer.

· Send Backward – Pushes the object back one layer.

3. Align: Provides the following options for aligning objects with each other, or the page:

· Top ‐ Aligns all selected objects to the top‐most object on the page.

· Middle ‐ Lines up the vertical middle of each selected object.

· Bottom ‐ Aligns all selected objects to the bottom‐most object on the page.

· Left ‐ Align all selected objects to the leftmost object on the page.

· Center ‐ Lines up the horizontal center of each selected object.

· Right ‐ Aligns all selected objects to the right‐most object on the page.

· Center Vertical ‐ Places all selected objects in the vertical center of the page.

· Center Horizontal‐Places all selected objects in the horizontal center of the

· page.

· Space Evenly – Horizontal – Horizontally spaces each object equal distances.

· Space Evenly – Vertical – Vertically spaces each object equal distances.

4. Group: Fixes the position of objects in relation to one another so that they can be moved, resized, and rotated without changing their position relative to each other:

· Mirror Group – Mirrors all objects in the selected group horizontally.

· Flip Group – Flips all objects in the selected group vertically.

· Ungroup – Returns a group of objects to individual objects.

5. Round Corners: It allows you to toggle each corner of the image to round or sharp.

6. Set Photo as Background: Sets the selected photo as the page background.

7. Rip Photo Edges: Randomly rips one or more edges of the selected photo.

8. Attach to Shape: Select both a text box and a shape by holding shift, the text will then fill the shape.

9. Detach from Shape: Removes the text from an attached “text to shape” object.

10. Hi-Res Preview: Shows a print quality preview of the selected object.

11. Cut: Removes a page object from the page, but saves it in memory.

12. Copy: Saves a page object in memory.

13. Paste: Paste the page object onto the page. Posted objects will be slightly offset.

14. Edit Object: Object size, location, and information. It also lets you adjust the size.

15. Delete: Removes a page object from the page.

16. Lock Object: Locks the object so that it cannot be edited.

17. Unlock page Object: If you right-click on a locked object, you may unlock it to edit it.

18. Span Pages: If you have page spreads enabled: Use this feature to allow the image to span between pages, rather than being cut when it reaches the edge of the canvas.

19. Double‐Click:

· Double-click a photo to open the crop function.

· Double-click a photo box, to add a photo to the empty box.

· Double-click a clip art or shape to bring up object settings.

· Double-click a text box to edit the text.

· Double-click a headline to edit the headline.

· Double-click a calendar to open the Calendar Settings window.

Double-click a paint box to add new brush lines or erase.