Icon Descriptions

· New Project: Opens the new project window.

· Open a Project: Open an existing project.

· Save: Saves the project in its current state to disk.

· Import: Import pages from another project.

· Add New Page: Opens the Add New Page dialog.

· Layers: Displays the options for adjusting the object layer position.

· Page Guides: Display a guide to assist with accuracy when moving objects.

· Align Objects: Displays the options for changing the alignment of objects.

· Cut: Removes a selected object to the clipboard to be pasted in another location.

· Copy: Copies a selected object to the clipboard to be pasted in another location.

· Paste: Applies the page object stored in the clipboard to the current page.

· Paste in Place: Same as Paste, except that the pasted object does not paste offset.

· Undo: Cancels the last operation.

· Redo: Restores the “undone” operation.

· Convert Avery Template: Creates the Avery template project from a single item.

· Add Background: Add a background.

· Add Photo: Opens a window for importing a photo (jpg or png).

· Add Text: Creates a new text box on the page.

· Add Headline: Creates a new headline box on the page.

· Add Clip Art: Opens a window for adding clip art to the current page.

· Add Shape or Line: Opens a window for choosing a shape.

· Preview: Presents a preview of the way the project will appear in print.

· Check Spelling: Checks the spelling on all pages and suggests changes.

· Share: Share your pages as JPG, PNG, or PDF.

· Online Content: Opens http://www.printmasterpacks.com/

· Ideas: Opens a site with video tutorials, as well as other helpful resources.

Help: Opens the PrintMaster 2022 help topics.