Teachers Area Reports
From the very first time your students log in to the program, Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Classroom Edition is constantly monitoring their progress as typists—how they are fairing in the program overall, their success in their current lessons, and their skill development. This detailed information about student progress can help you better adapt program settings and student and classroom curriculum to meet the changing needs of students and the class as a whole throughout the duration of the semester, quarter, or year.
To access the Reports screen, click Reports on the Teacher’s Area main menu. You can also click Reports at the top of the Class Management or Custom Lesson Screens. From this screen, you can view class progress reports for individual class profiles or all of the class profiles at once by clicking All Classes from the Class drop-down menu. You can also view different types of individual student reports, including Summary, Keyboard Proficiencies, Curriculum Map, and Progress Over Time.
At any time, you may click Back or other reporting and Teacher’s Area options located at the top of the Report screens to return to the previous screen or exit to a different screen in the Teacher’s Area. You may also click Help if you’d like more information about how to use Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing Classroom Edition.