Intermediate Level

Activity 4-10: These activities involve language and words. Mavis loves language.

Activity 11: Makes use of content your students will enjoy—jokes—as a way to foster a fun atmosphere for typing improvement.

Activity 12: Focuses on typing development in the areas of numbers and symbols.

Activity 13: Includes five transcription exercises.

Activity 14: Includes four dictation lessons that correlate to audio within Mavis.

  • The intermediate typist should begin to pick up speed and accuracy. The student needs to learn to type whole words, not just one letter at a time.
  • These activities help reinforce the skills that students have practiced in the onscreen lessons.
  • These activities are designed to provide more interesting material for typing practice so that students maintain their motivation to learn.
  • The activities ask students to type word lists, sentences, and paragraphs; the topics further explore language and begin to cross over into other academic subjects.
  • At the intermediate level, students begin to practice transcription and dictation.
  • Many of these activities suggest further research on the part of the student, which promotes the value of learning for its own sake.