Appendix B - Bibliography
Ackerson, Luton. A Correlational Analysis of Proficiency in Typing. Archives of Psychology 13: 1-73.
Angleo, John P. A Comparative Study of the Highest and Lowest Ranking, First-SemesterTypewriting Pupils. Master’s thesis, University of Pittsburgh, 1934.
Atwood, Dale D. The Selection of Instructional Topics for Typewriting Methods Courses at the Undergraduate and Graduate Levels. Master’s thesis, University of North Dakota, 1960.
Atz, Roger. An Annotated Bibliography and Critical Review of Professional Literature Related to the Teaching of Typewriting, 1951-1956. Master’s thesis, State University of Iowa, 1958.
Bailey, Florence D. Weighing of Speed and Accuracy Factors in Typewriting. Master’s thesis, State University of Iowa, 1930.
Banner, May Ruth. A Study of the Relationship Between Letter-Production Test Rates and Straight-Copy Test Rates in High School Typewriting (Virginia). Master’s thesis, University of Tennessee, 1953.
Barnhart, Early W. Reducing Typing Errors: A Five-Part Series. Business Education World 363 (1955): 22-3.
Barrineau, Patricia M. An Analysis of Typewriting Errors Made by Students in a Second-Year Typewriting Class at Leon High School, Tallahassee, Florida. Master’s thesis, Florida State University, 1954.
Barton, J.W. Smaller vs. Larger Units in Learning to Typewrite Journal of Educational Psychology 12 (1921): 465-474.
Beach, Martha Virginia. An Intensive Course in the Fundamentals of Touch Typewriting. Master’s thesis, University of Cincinnati, 1943.
Beardsley, Meta B. The Relation of Typewriting Errors to Word Frequency. Master’s thesis, University of Southern California, 1942.
Beeching, Cyril Leslie. A Dictionary of Eponyms. 3rd ed. London: Library Association, 1989.
Berent, Irwin M., and Rod L. Evans. 1997. The Dictionary of Highly Unusual Words. New York: Berkley Books.
Biegel, R.A., New Keyboards for Typewriters and Teleprinters. Paper presented at the Int. Psycho. Tech Conference. Prague, Czechoslovakia, 1935: 222-25.
Blackstone, E.G. An Experiment in Erasing in Typewriting University of Iowa Research Studies in Commercial Education. 12 (1932) 8:158-66.
Blanchard, Carroll H. Jr. The Early Word Processors and Word Processing: Keyboards, Kinesthesis & Women. Educators: Project IV, Lake George, New York, 1981.
Bliven, Bruce Jr. The Wonderful Writing Machine, New York: Royal Typewriter, n.d.
Book, William Frederic, How Progress in Learning to Typewrite Should be Measured and Why. University of Iowa Monographs. 7 (1926): 62-76.
Bramesfeld, E. An Investigation of the Striking of Keys on the Typewriter. Industrielle Psychotechnik 6 (1929): 224-230.
Brown, Jean Rosemond. An Experimental Study to Compare the Relative Merits of Two Methods of Teaching Typewriting, Master’s thesis, University of Michigan, 1940.
Byrne, Mrs. Mrs. Byrne’s Dictionary of Unusual, Obscure, and Preposterous Words. Secaucus: University Books, 1974.
Chapman, Robert L., ed. New Dictionary of American Slang. New York: Harper & Row, 1986.
Cleary, Joseph B. A Typing Experiment. Journal of Business Education 31 (1955): 29-31. Clem, Jane E. Techniques of Teaching Typewriting. New York: McGraw-Hill, 1955.
Cooper, William E., ed. Cognitive Aspects of Skilled Typewriting. New York: Springer-Verlag, 1983.
Croteau, Maureen, and Wayne Worcester. The Essential Researcher. New York: Harper Perennial, 1993.
Davidson, Sidney H. A Study of the Effects of Rest Periods on Progress in Learning in Typewriting. Master’s thesis, University of Southern California, 1929.
Davis, Dwight D.W. An Analysis of Student Errors on the Universal and the Dvorak
Dealey Simplified Typewriter Keyboard. Master’s thesis, University of Washington, 1935.
Desoe, Lillian Rushmeyer. An Experimental Study of the Integration of Shorthand and
Typewriting Instruction in One Course, Transcription. Master’s thesis, Cornell University, 1943.
DuFrain, Viola. Typewriting Teachers and Time and Motion Studies. National Business Education Quarterly 12 (1943): 15-20, 50, 66.
Dvorak, August et al. Typewriting Behavior. New York: American Book Company, 1936.
Famighetti, Robert. World Almanac and Book of Facts 1995. New Jersey: World Almanac, 1995.
Fargis, Paul, and Sheree Bykofsky, ed. New York Public Library Desk Reference. New York: Webster’s New World, 1989.
Funk, Charles Earle. Thereby Hangs a Tale: Stories of Curious Word Origins. New York: Harper and Row, 1985.
Funk, Wilfred. Word Origins and Their Romantic Stories. New York: Bell Publishing, 1978.
Goodwin, Lucile. A Fusion Course in Typewriting. Master’s thesis, Southwest Texas State Teachers College, 1941.
Griffith, Cletus Leon. A Study of Air Condition in Schoolrooms and Its Relation to Efficiency in Typewriting. Master’s thesis, Purdue University, 1935.
Herdman, Virginia. Learning to Typewrite by Self-Instruction. Master’s thesis, University of Cincinnati, 1953.
Johnson, Otto, ed. 1996 Information Please Almanac. New York: Houghton Mifflin, 1996.
Kizer, Marguerite. The Effect of Piano Playing on Learning to Typewrite. Master’s thesis, State University of Iowa, 1926.
Marshall, Nancy D. An Experiment in Teaching Typewriting According to the Proposals of Mrs. Mabel Mize. Master’s thesis, University of Kansas, 1941.
Mondey, David, ed. International Encyclopedia of Aviation. New York: Crown Publishers, 1984.
Morris, William, and Mary Morris. Dictionary of Word Phrase Origins. 2nd ed. New York: Harper and Row, 1962.
Name into Word: Proper Names That Have Become Common Property. New York: Macmillan Company, 1950.
Russon, Allien R., and S.J. Wanous. Philosophy and Psychology of Teaching Typewriting. Cincinati: South Western Publishing, 1960.
Servern, Bill. People Words. New York: Ives Washburn, 1966.
The History of Typewriting: Portions of History of the Dvorak Keyboard (n.p, n.d.). The Theory of Typewriting: How People Learn the Dvorak Keyboard (n.p, n.d).
Thompson, Mildred. A Study of the Effect of Hunt-and-Peck Habits on Typing Achievement. Master’s thesis, Colorado State College of Education, 1944.