Activity 26 - Dictation Lessons
These lessons correspond to the dictation lessons contained within Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing program. For more information about dictation lessons, please refer to the Mavis Beacon Teaches Typing 20 for Schools User Guide.
D5 Lesson 5:
D5W01 Dear Mr. Johnson and Ms. Brown:
D5W02 Thank you for taking the time to meet with me today.
D5W03 I was most impressed with the wide variety of projects
D5W04 under development in your department.
D5W05 I’m sure that this is an environment which would provide me with opportunities and challenges.
D5W06 I feel that my programming skills
D5W07 would be an enhancement to the skills of others in your department,
D5W08 and my analysis experience is the equivalent of the job requirements.
D5W09 I want you to know that I am very interested in the position,
D5W10 and I look forward to hearing from you.
D5W11 Sincerely,
D5W12 Mary Chan
D6 Lesson 6:
D6W01 Dear Laura:
D6W02 Per our conversation yesterday,
D6W03 I’m changing the advertising concept
D5W04 for the introduction of our dental hygiene products.
D6W05 I agree with you
D5W06 that our television advertising campaign should focus primarily
D5W07 on the evening hours between 6:30 p.m. and 11 p.m.,
D5W08 even though the expense is far greater than other hours.
D6W09 I also agree that a more personalized approach is in order.
D6W10 We will have a new proposal available
D5W11 by our regularly scheduled appointment this Friday.
D6W12 Thank you for your valuable input.
D6W13 Mark
D7 Lesson 7:
D7W01 I had both good news and bad news from my employer six weeks ago.
D7W02 The good news was that I had qualified for a special training class at the company’s headquarters.
D7W03 The bad news was that the company’s headquarters
D7W04 was in a different city,
D7W05 over 200 miles away.
D7W06 Since the expense of having a substitute home for six months was all mine,
D7W07 I wanted to find the most economical apartment available.
D7W08 A friend told me that she knew of a marvelous,
D7W09 inexpensive room for rent,
D7W10 but I didn’t want to live in someone else’s home.
D7W11 So instead of looking at it,
D7W12 I spent a whole week looking at every apartment in the city.
D7W13 Something was decidedly wrong with every one of them.
D7W14 Finally, in desperation,
D7W15 I went to look at that room for rent.
D7W16 And guess what?
D7W17 I loved it.
D7W18 I learned a little lesson there.
D7W19 Always investigate the most obvious solution first.
D7W20 so you don’t waste time.
D8 Lesson 8:
D8W01 Welcome to the Neighborhood!
D8W02 We at the Smith Department Store
D8W03 would like to congratulate you on the purchase of your new home
D8W04 and hope that you will enjoy exploring decorating possibilities with us.
D8W05 We offer a vast array of drape and carpet textures and colors
D8W06 as well as a wide selection of coordinating bedroom and bath accessories.
D8W07 As an added bonus,
D8W08 we have a professional decorator on duty from 1 pm to 9 pm
D8W09 to aid you in achieving just the right effect.
D8W10 And because we know expenses are high at the beginning of new home ownership,
D8W11 with your good credit you may defer payment on your purchases for up to six months.
D8W12 Come in and see us soon.
D8W13 Bring this letter and receive a free gift in our Carpet Department.
D9 Lesson 9:
D9W01 Dear Mr. and Mrs. Anderson and Family:
D9W02 Why not do something different this winter?
D9W03 Get away from the cold, dreary, and wet weather
D9W04 and relax in the sunny, temperate climate of Arizona.
D9W05 We at the Arizona Resort Association
D9W06 want to offer you the opportunity to get away
D9W07 to a free week of family fun
D9W08 at one of our delightful living centers.
D9W09 Stay in a modern, furnished condominium
D9W10 and participate in water sports or golf.
D9W11 Join our structured activities for young and old at our recreation center.
D9W12 Or just rest, assured that your stay will be customized to your requirements.
D9W13 We have enclosed a brochure for your inspection.
D9W14 Our next orientation meeting for this offering
D9W15 is scheduled for the evening of May 7, 1996.
D9W16 Please telephone us at
D9W17 415-555-6784 for reservations.
D9W18 We’re looking forward to meeting you.
D9W19 Your friends at the Arizona Resort Association.
D10 Lesson 10:
D10W01 Dear Executive:
D10W02 The success of any lunch or dinner conference
D10W03 depends on more than your notes and overhead projections.
D10W04 Success depends on a suitable atmosphere.
D10W05 If you meet in the banquet room of a restaurant,
D10W06 service, noise levels, and distractions
D10W07 may ruin the concentration of your audience.
D10W08 This may spell disaster for your meeting as well as your reputation.
D10W09 So why not have your conference catered by Classy Caterers?
D10W10 It is our business to make your business meeting run smoothly.
D10W11 Our personally prepared meals are perfect for any lunch or dinner meeting.
D10W12 You may choose that perfect meal from our vast menu,
D10W13 or for that special meeting, we will be happy to customize each meal for you.
D10W14 Your food will be delivered at the exact time you specify,
D10W15 and your guests will have our undivided attention.
D10W16 By the time you’re ready to get down to business,
D10W17 we will have satisfied your guests and they’ll be prepared to concentrate.
D10W18 We are waiting to serve you!