Activity 13.5 - Transcription Exercise 12
Dear Sir or Madam,
Thank you for sending me your winter catalog of camping equipment. Your prompt response will help me receive my new camping gear before our family 4th of July outing!
I would specifically like to order the “All Weather Wear” parka with “zip-outable” lining in a size medium in red. The stock number is #4560021. I would also like to order your extra-thick thermal over-socks in a size small in blue. That order number is #6731349.
Enclosed is a money order for a total of $53.15 plus 8.0% California sales tax and $3.50 postage and handling. My address is: 1234 East Vermont St./Los Angeles, CA 90027. I look forward to receiving my order, and Happy (early) July 4th!