Activity 8 - Words from Names
School children around the country eat thousands of sandwiches for lunch each day, but how many know that they are named after John Montagu, 4th Earl of Sandwich? This activity requires that students build a list of English words that originated from a name. Present this list and encourage them to add to it.
Word Name
Boycott Charles Cunningham Boycott
boysenberry Rudolph Boysen
Braille Louis Braille
cardigan 7th Earl of Cardigan, James Thomas Brudenell
cereal Ceres, ancient Roman goddess
chauvinism Nicolas Chauvin
diesel Rudolf Diesel
dunce John Duns Scotus
eggs benedict E. E. Benedict
Fahrenheit Gabriel David Fahrenheit
gardenia Alexander Garden
graham cracker Sylvester Graham
leotard Jules Leotard
macadamia nut John Macadam
maverick Samuel Augustus Maverick
mesmerize Franz Anton Mesmer
nicotine Jean Nicot
pasteurize Louis Pasteur
Salisbury steak James H. Salisbury
sandwich 4th Earl of Sandwich, John Montagu
saxophone Antoine Joseph Sax
silhouette Etienne de Silhouette
teddy bear Theodore Roosevelt