Feature Selections

The Feature Selections tool palette provides commands for selecting objects by more specific attributes. For meshes, this includes selecting by vertex, edge or face and for solid features such as blend, protrusion, or face networks.


Feature Selections

• Select Vertex

• Select Edge

• Select Facet

• Select Blend Network

• Select Protrusion Network

• Select Depression Network

• Select Same

Select Vertex

The Select vertex tool is used to select the vertex of a mesh

Select Edge

The select edge tool is used to select the edge of a mesh. User can also select more than one facet at a time with help of shift key.


Select Facet

The select edge tool is used to select the facet of a mesh object.


Select Blend Network

The Select Blend Network tool is used to remove blends from a part which is especially useful when the part does not have a history.


  1. Select one face that is part of a blend network of faces.


  1. All blends connected to the selected blend is highlighted as selected.


  1. To remove all selected blend faces, select the Edit: Cut tool.


Select Protrusion Network

The Select Protrusion Network helps you quickly select all faces associated with a protrusion within a solid part.


  1. Pick the Select Protrusion Network command.


  1. Select one face of the protrusion face network. All associated faces will be added to the selection.


  1. Use Edit: Cut to delete the selected faces.


Select Depression Feature

The Select Depression Feature helps you quickly select all faces associated with a depression within a solid part.


  1. Pick the Select Depression Feature tool.


  1. Select any face that is part of the depression network of faces. All associated faces will be added to the selection.


  1. Select the Edit: Cut command to remove all selected faces.


Select Same

User can select all similar objects by selecting any one object. Objects can be selected based upon their attribute. In case, choosing any one of the options from below and selecting any object will automatically auto select all other objects with the same attribute

For example:

• Shape

• Layer

• Color

• Entity Type

• Line Font

• Text Font

• Edges

• Faces