Clip Art

Clip art is a collection of graphic objects that is used for decoration on a page.

Icon Descriptions:

  1. Add – Add a selected Clip Art to your page.
  2. Shadow – Add a shadow to the selected photo.
  3. Mirror – Flip the image horizontally on the page.
  4. Flip – Flip the image vertically on the page.
  5. Left – Rotate the image left 90 degrees.
  6. Right – Rotate the image right 90 degrees.
  7. Remove – Deletes the image from the page.
  8. Edit – Displays Clip Art info and allows you to adjust the image size and position.
  9. Reset – Sets the Clip Art back to the default state.
  10. Opacity – Drag the slider left or right to increase or reduce the image transparency.
  11. Rotation – Drag the slider left or right to apply a rotation.


Adding Clip Art

  1. Open the Clip Art tab and click on the Add icon.

  2. Select a category name in the left column (click on the plus expand categories).

  3. Select an item in the preview area, and click Apply to add it to the page.

  4. Close the window when you are done adding images.


· Drag the preview slider to increase or reduce the size of the previews.

· Click on the up or down arrows next to Quantity to add more of the selected image.

· The Search field allows you to find clip art by keyword or name.

· Toggle Search selected category only box to limit the search to the current category.

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Using PrintMaster Clip Art