Saving your Calendar in Other Forms
The Save as Other options on the File menu allow you to save your calendar in a format that can be opened in other applications. These formats are: Bitmap, JPEG/JPG, Png, Tiff, and HTML.
- The Save As Other options capture the calendar image exactly as it is displayed on screen, including the current zoom (magnification) level. If, for example, the calendar is displayed at 50%, the resulting image will be smaller than the same image captured while the calendar is displayed at 100%. So, if, the resulting image is too large for your purpose, reduce the zoom level, and choose the Save As Other option again.
The Save as Bitmap, Save as JPEG, Save as Png and Save as Tiff options allow you to save the image currently on the screen as a bitmap, JPEG, Png or Tiff graphic file.
To save your calendar as an image file:
- Click File from the top menu bar then choose Save As Other.
- Click the desired image format from the available options. The Save As dialog box will appear.
- Click the down arrow button for "Where" and select the desired save location.
- Enter a name for the image in the "Save As" field.
- Click the Save button. The file will be saved in the located selected.
To save your calendar as an HTML file:
- Click File from the top menu bar then choose Save As Other.
- Click the HTML format from the available options. The Save As dialog box will appear.
- Click the down arrow button for "Where" and select the desired save location.
- Enter a name for the HTML file in the "Save As" field.
- Click the Save button. The HTML file will be saved in the located selected.