The Picture Formatting Tab
If the object you're formatting is a picture or is capable of displaying a picture, click the Picture tab to set additional formatting options.
The picture currently selected is displayed in the large preview area to the right.
The Pictures in this calendar area displays a list of all pictures saved in the collection, with the currently selected picture highlighted. Clicking on another item in the list changes the picture. No Picture is also an option.
Browse and Art Gallery let you change the picture in the currently selected object. Click Art Gallery to select another picture using the Art Gallery, or Browse to bring up a standard Windows Open File dialog box to locate a picture.
To remove an image in the Pictures in this Calendar list:
- Select the image you which to remove, then click Delete. A warning message will appear if the selected picture is still in use in your calendar.
The Time Period field located at the top of the Layout Object Properties dialog box can be used to place the picture next to an item in your event list for a specified time period. This field is disabled if no time period is applied.
As you select an image from your Pictures in this Calendar list, you can apply formatting controls using the buttons and check boxes in this dialog box. Each button and box function is described below. After you have chosen formatting properties for the picture, click OK to apply the changes and return to the calendar.
- Rotate 90° turns the picture 90 degrees to the right.
- Save to Disk prompts the file directory so the picture can be saved as a bitmap file.
- Flip Horizontally flips the picture side-to-side.
- Flip Vertically flips the picture upside down.
- Proportional maintains the height and width proportions of the picture, but the picture can be resized.
- Complete enlarges and/or shrinks the picture to fit the selected object area as much as possible, regardless of the picture's original proportions.
- No Change maintains the picture's original size and proportions and prevents resizing.
- Tile repeats the picture in its original size as many times as it takes to fill the area.
- Center places the picture in the center of the selected area.
Tile or Center can be selected individually, but not simultaneously. Also, if you select Proportional, you cannot select Tile.
Tint button allows you to select a tint percentage for your picture from the pop-up menu.
Transparent allows you to remove a specific color from an image. As a result, any place that color displays in the image becomes transparent. This option is best used to remove the white background that surrounds most clip art images.
To use the transparent feature:
- Click to select the Transparent check box.
- As you move the mouse over the clip art image in the Preview window, the cursor turns into an eyedropper shape. Click the color you want to remove from the image. The color is displayed in the color sampler below the Transparent check box.
- Check the image in the Preview window to make sure you have removed the color you want. Then click OK to close the Object Properties box.
Note: Graphics require large amounts of memory and disk space. As you customize your calendar, keep in mind that each picture you add to your file will affect the program's speed, as well as occupy a larger amount of hard drive space.
To remove a picture from your calendar:
- Select the picture in the Pictures in this Calendar list, then click Delete.