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(Available in all DoubleCAD Variants)

Default UI Menu: Dimension

Ribbon UI Menu:

imgDoubleCAD contains a variety of dimension tools that you can use to display the measurements of lines and angles.

img Dimensions consist of three basic components: Dimension lines, with arrows pointing to either end of the dimension. A linear dimension can have an interior dimension line or two exterior dimension lines. Exterior dimension lines can be supplemented with an optional interior line. Extension lines, which connect the dimension line to the object being dimensioned. Extension lines have optional line segments that continue the extension outward beyond the dimension line (extensions to the extension). Dimension text, typically displaying the distance being dimensioned in World units.

Creating Dimensions

(Available in all DoubleCAD Variants)

Creating dimensions involves two basic steps: selecting the objects to be measured, and locating the dimension. By default the magnitude of the dimension is calculated automatically and is recorded as the dimension text, measured in current World units. (Leader dimensions, which contain text labels, are the exception to this rule.) You can override the default text of a dimension by specifying the text in the Inspector Bar prior to finishing the dimension. img You can also change the dimension text in the dimension's Properties, by changing the Attributes field of the General page.

When Auto Add Constraints is active, any dimensions you assign are created as variables that appear in the Calculator Palette.


Dimension variables can be constrained to other dimensions, or to other variables or numbers. This is particularly powerful when used in conjunction with Auto Constraints .

Orthogonal Dimension


Creates a horizontal or vertical dimension.

  1. Select the first point.


  1. Select the second point, or enter the length and angle of the dimensioned line in the Inspector Bar.


  1. For a horizontal dimension, move the mouse above or below the two points and click to define the location. You can also enter the length of the witness lines in the Inspector Bar.


  1. For a vertical dimension, define the dimension at either side of the two points.


Local menu options: Segment Dimensioning, Entity Dimensioning Horizontal / Vertical Mode only: creates either type of dimension, no matter where the dimension is located.

Parallel Dimension


Creates a dimension showing the absolute length of an object.

  1. Select the first point.


  1. Select the second point, or enter the length and angle of the dimensioned line in the Inspector Bar.


  1. Move the mouse and click to define the location. You can also enter the length of the witness lines in the Inspector Bar.


For any two endpoints, the absolute length is parallel to the line between the points.


Local menu options: Segment Dimensioning, Entity Dimensioning

Distance Dimension

(Only Available in XT Pro )

Default UI Menu: Dimension/Distance

Ribbon UI Menu:


Sets two lines parallel to one another and places a constrained dimension between them. For this tool to be available, Auto Add Constraints must be on. img

  1. Select the two lines, or select them by snapping to either of their endpoints.


  1. Place the dimension, and the lines are made parallel.


Note:Because Auto Add Constraints is on, the Distance dimension appears as a variable in the Calculator Palette and can be edited.

Rotated Dimension

Creates a dimension projected in a specified direction.

  1. Select two points to define the dimension's direction. The dimension will be measured normal to this line. You can also define the first point, then specify the angle of the vector in the Inspector Bar.


  1. Select the first point of the object to be dimensioned. Select the second point, or enter the length and angle of the dimensioned line in the Inspector Bar.


  1. Move the mouse and click to define the location. You can also enter the length of the witness lines in the Inspector Bar.


Local menu options: Segment Dimensioning, Entity Dimensioning: Available only after the dimension direction has been defined.

Datum Dimension

Creates a dimension showing the horizontal or vertical distance from a point. By default, the point is the absolute origin, but you can change this.

  1. Select the point whose distance from the origin is to be displayed. A rubberband line appears, indicating the origin of the dimension.


  1. To display the Y coordinate (horizontal dimension text), move the mouse to either side of both the origin and the selected point, and click to locate the dimension. You can also enter the angle and length of the extension lines in the Inspector Bar.


  1. To display the X coordinate (vertical dimension text), move the mouse above or below both the origin and the selected point.


Local menu options: Set Origin: By default, datum dimensions are created relative to the absolute origin. Use Set Origin to select a new origin. This origin will remain in effect until changed.

Baseline Dimension


Creates a series of parallel linear dimensions that follow the axis of an existing linear dimension.

  1. Select an existing linear base dimension. Click near the side you want to serve as the baseline. A temporary rectangle appears at the baseline end.


  1. Select the first point where you want a new baseline dimension.


  1. Continue selecting points. Each new baseline dimension will be created at an offset from the previous one.


Note: The offset distance is controlled by the Baseline Increment value on the Advanced Format page of the Properties window.

When finished, select Cancel from the local menu or press Esc. Local menu option: Select Dimension: Select a new base dimension.

Continuous Dimension

Creates a series of parallel linear dimensions measured from the previous dimension. The dimensions follow the axis of the base dimension.

  1. Select an existing linear base dimension. Click near the side you want the next dimension to be created. A temporary rectangle appears at the baseline end.


  1. Select the first point where you want a new continuous dimension.


  1. Continue selecting points. Each new continuous dimension will be measured from the previous dimension.


  1. When finished, select Cancel from the local menu or press Esc.

Local menu option: Select Dimension: Select a new base dimension.

Incremental Dimension


Creates a series of parallel linear dimensions measured from the previous dimension. The dimensions follow the axis of the base dimension, and are displayed normal to the axis.

  1. Select an existing linear base dimension. Click near the side you want the next dimension to be created. A temporary rectangle appears at the baseline end.


  1. Select the first point where you want a new incremental dimension.


  1. Continue selecting points. Each new incremental dimension will be measured from the previous dimension.


  1. When finished, select Cancel from the local menu or press Esc.

Local menu option: Select Dimension: Select a new base dimension.

Angular Dimension


Creates dimensions measuring angles. You can dimension the angle between two lines, the angle of an arc, between two points of a circle, and between a node and two points.

Angle Between Two Lines

  1. Select the two lines.

  2. Move the mouse to dimension the acute or obtuse angle. Click to locate the dimension, or enter the length and angle in the Inspector Bar.


Be careful where you select the lines. If you select close to the angle vertex, you could dimension the complementary angle.


Angle within a Circle

  1. Select the circle.
  2. Select the start angle, or enter the angle in the Inspector Bar.
  3. Select the end angle.
  4. Move the mouse to dimension the acute or obtuse angle. Click to locate the dimension, or enter the length and angle in the Inspector Bar.


Angles of an Arc

  1. Select the arc.
  2. Move the mouse to dimension the acute or obtuse angle. Click to locate the dimension, or enter the length and angle in the Inspector Bar.


Note: If Arc Length is checked in the Format page of the Properties window, the arc length will be dimensioned instead of the angle.

Local menu option:

Angular Dimension option is avalaible in local menu

Angle Node (freeform angle): Dimensions an angle by selecting the angle vertex then two points.

  1. Select the angle vertex of 2D entity.


2.Define the first angle endpoint.


3.Define the second angle endpoint.


After clicking the second angle endpoint, the obtuse Angle Node dimension is displayed. To see the acute Angle Node dimension move your mouse cursor down away from the display of the Obtuse Angle Node Dimension



Radius - Diameter Dimension


Dimensions the radius or diameter of an arc or circle.

  1. Select the arc or circle.

​ 2. Move the mouse and click to locate the dimension, or enter the length and angle in the Inspector Bar.


Local menu option: Large Radius: If the arc center is out of your drawing space, use this option to display the dimension from outside.




Creates dimension text attached to a simple line leader pointing to a location in your drawing. The leader is similar to a polyline.

Note: Check Draw as Spline on the Advanced Format page of the Properties window to create a curves leader rather than line segments.

  1. Enter the text in the Inspector Bar.
  2. Select the leader start point (the end with the arrow). Select or more additional segment endpoints, or enter the length and angle of each segment in the Inspector Bar.----

Note: The arrowhead is defined by Arrowheads / 1st on the Format page of the Properties window.----

​ 3. Double-click to finish, or select Finish from the local menu, or press Alt+F.


A text box can be created, by selecting one from the Advanced Format page of the Properties window.


Wall Dimensions

There is a special tool for dimensioning walls created via the Architecture tools.

Quick Dimensions


Default UI Menu: Dimension/Quick

Ribbon UI Menu:

imgCreates a series of dimensions on one more objects. You can choose the type of dimension and which points will be included.

Activate the Quick function, then choose three criteria: Whether the dimensions will be orthogonal (horizontal / vertical. The type of dimension (continuous, baseline, etc.), The points between which the dimensions will be created. In this example, the dimensions will be Orthogonal and Continuous (indicated by the arrows in the picture below). Points will be described later in the example. img

Select the object or objects to dimension. You can use the Shift key to select multiple objects, or drag a selection window. This example consists of one circle and one polyline.


Double-click when all objects are selected. Then move the cursor and click to place the dimensions. Moving the mouse to the right or left of the objects creates vertical dimensions; moving above or below the objects, as shown below, creates horizontal dimensions.


This would be the result with Staggered dimensions:


This would be the results with Baseline dimensions.


If Radius is selected, a radius dimension is assigned to all arc or circle segments found in the selected objects.


If Diameter is selected, a diameter dimension is assigned to all arc or circle segments found in the selected objects.


Points affect dimensioning of arcs, curves, and segments of polylines. Start / End creates dimensions between all start and end points of arcs.


Dimension measures the overall distance of the objects.


Arc Center measures between center points.


You can combine Points options. This example uses both Dimension and Arc Center.


If Orthogonal is not selected, you can define the dimension direction. Select two points to define the direction normal to the desired dimension line.


This is the result of non-orthogonal, baseline dimensions.


Segment and Entity Dimensioning

For linear dimensions (orthogonal, parallel, and rotated), you can define the dimension by selecting two points (manually), or you can select a segment or entire object to dimension. Segment and Entity modes are options on the local menu, as well as on the Inspector Bar while using a linear dimension tool. Once you have selected a dimensioning mode, the mode remains in effect until changed.

Tip: If you generally prefer one of the dimensioning modes over the others, you can save it in a drawing template. To do this, use File / Save As to save the file as a .tct file (Double Template). Place the template file in the "Template" folder of the DoubleCAD root directory. Then when you want to open the template, use *File / New, and select New from Template.

In Segment mode, select any line segment, and the dimension between endpoints is created.

Segment mode - orthogonal dimension img

Segment mode - parallel dimension img img

Entity mode - parallel dimension img

Smart Dimensions


Default UI Menu: Dimension/Smart

Ribbon UI Menu:

imgCreates a dimension based on the object selected.

If you select a circle, a diameter dimension will be created.


In the Inspector Bar, you can change the text, set the angle of the dimension, and set the length of the leader line.


If you select a line or line segment, its length dimension will be created.


If the line segment is not orthogonal, there are three possible dimensions you can create: Parallel


Orthogonal (vertical)


Orthogonal (horizontal)


If you select an arc or arc segment, a radial dimension will be created.


To create an angular dimension, press Shift and select the two lines.


Smart dimensions also work for linear and circular edges of solid ACIS objects. You can use this feature to dimension cross-section generated through the Drafting Palette, as long and the Surface Engine option in the Drafting Palette was turned off when the section was created.


Linear and angular dimensions can also be created for 3D Polylines.

Surveyor Dimensions

Linear and Angular dimensions can be displayed in surveyor format. For linear dimensions, surveyor format is angle (degree-minutes-seconds) and length. For angles, surveyor format is degree-minutes-seconds. Before creating surveyor dimensions, open the Properties for any dimension tool. On the Units / Tolerance page, set the Format to Surveyor. img In this example, surveyor dimensions will be placed using Parallel Dimensions, on three segments of this Multi Line Polyline.


  1. After setting Surveyor in the dimension tools' Properties, activate the dimension tool you want to use (in this case, Parallel, but you can use any linear dimension). Click the segment you want to dimension. (Only segment dimensioning is available when creating surveyor dimensions; you cannot click two points.) The red arrow indicates the direction in which the segment is measured.


  1. If you want the segment measured from the other side, select Invert from the Inspector Bar or local menu.


  1. Click a second time to place the dimension.


  1. Dimension additional segments the same way.


You can dimension an angle using surveyor dimensions as well.


MultiLeader Dimensions

Default UI Menu: Dimension / MultiLeader

Ribbon UI Menu:

img MultiLeader dimension are a special category of dimension tool designed to support entities imported from external DWG files. These leaders attached a single piece of content to multiple leader arrows. the content may be text, a block, or nothing. The content and structure of multileaders is defined by the MultiLeader style. Local menu option: Arrowhead First: The first click places an arrowhead. Turning this option on turns off Content First Content First: The first click places the content. Turning this option on turns of Arrowhead first Fixed Leader Points: Limit the number of points within each leader to the number specified in the style. The default is 2, one at the arrowwhead and one at the content. Once both points have been placed, a new leader will begin for the current multileader. If this option is off leaders may have as many points as you wish. Insert Next Leader: This option is only available if Fixed Leader Points is turned off. When available the option finishes the current leader at its last selected point and begins the next leader. Finish: Finishes the entry for all of the leaders.

  1. Select the MultiLeader tool.
  2. Click to select the first point for the leader.If the Content First option is selected this will be the location of the content, otherwise it will be the location of the first arrowhead. img
  3. Click to select the second point for the leader.If the Content First option is selected this will be the location of the first arrow head, otherwise it will be the location of the first content. img
  4. If the default settings and style is in use a new leader will begin after the second click.
  5. Click to set the arrow head of the next leader.The content position is already set. So with the standard limit of two points per leader selecting each point sets the current leader then begins the next. img
  6. If you have Fixed Leader Points turned off, continue entering points as needed then use Insert Next Leader to move on to the next leader in the sequence.
  7. Click Finish when you are done creating leaders.

Using the Edit tool you can add and subtract leaders on existing multileaders. you can also add, subtract, and move nodes of multileaders.

MultiLeader Properties

MultiLeader have different properties than standard dimensions.

MultiLeader Format

img Overall Scale: Sets the overall scale for the multileader. Annotative: Set whether the multileader is annotative or not. This has no effect within the application is strictly a setting to support external DWG applications. Arrowhead: Sets the type of arrowhead used in the multileader. Size: Sets the size of the leader arrowheads. Leader Type: Sets whether the type is a line, spline, or none. Color: Sets the color for the leaders. Line Type: Sets the line type for the leaders. Line Width: Sets the line width for the leaders. Landing: Sets whether there will be a landing, a horizontal line attaching the end of leaders to the content. Landing Distance: Sets the landing width. Content Type: This is controlled by the Style

MultiLeader Content

The feature of the MultiLeader Properties Content page vary depending upon the content type specified in the selected MultiLeader Style. If the Content Type in the style is set to none the page will be blank. If the Content Type is set to text the page will be as follows: img Text Style: Set which Text style from the Style manager is used in the multileader. Height: Sets the height of the text. This will override the settings in the styles. Frame around text: specifies whether a box will be drawn around the text of the multileader. Width: Sets the width of the paragraph. Background Mask: Creates a mask for objects behind the text. Color: Sets the text color. Justify: Specifies the text justification. Left Attachment: Specifies the vertical position where the leaders on the left side of the content. Right Attachment: Specifies the vertical position where the leaders on the right side of the content. Text Rotation: Specifies the angle of the content text. Landing Gap: Specifies the distance between the end of the landing and the content. Style: Select At Least to automatically set the line size relative to the largest character of a line. Select Exactly to keep all lines the same size. Factor: Sets the distance between lines. If the Content Type in the style is set to block the Content page will look as follows: img Block Source: Specifies the block to be used in the content. Block Attachment: Specifies whether the block will be attached to the multileader using its geometric center of the block, or attached using the block reference point (insertion point). Block Color: Sets the block color. Block Rotation: specifies the angle for the rotation of the block insertion. Scale X: Sets a scaling factor for the block along its X axis. Scale Y: Sets a scaling factor for the block along its Y axis. Scale Z: Sets a scaling factor for the block along its Z axis.

MultiLeader Styles

You can manage and create MultiLeader styles using the Style manager. For more on the Style Manager. In the Style Manager, there is one style, "Standard," listed under "MultiLeader styles".

Note: In the Preview area, you can click to zoom part of the graphic. Double-click to fit the graphic in the window.

  1. You can change the "Standard" style, but if you want to preserve this style, make sure "Standard" is highlighted, then click Create New.
  2. Assign a name or accept the default.

​ This creates a new which is a copy of "Standard."

​ 3. To change the current multileader to the new style, open its Properties to the General page.

Dimension Formatting Codes

You can insert formatting codes and text into Dimension to control the information that is displayed.

Codes Definition Example
<…> The automatic Dimension text
\L...\l Turns underline onand off IMSI \LDoubleCAD\l
\~ Inserts a nonbreakingspace IMSI DoubleCAD\~LTE
\ Inserts a backslash IMSI \DoubleCAD
{...} Inserts an opening and closing brace IMSI {DoubleCAD}
\Cvalue; Changes to thespecified color IMSI \C2;DoubleCAD
\Hvalue; Changes to the textheight specified indrawing units IMSI \H2;DoubleCAD
\Hvaluex; Changes the text heightto a multiple of thecurrent text height IMSI \H3x;DoubleCAD
\S...^...; Stacks the subsequent text at the /, #, or ^ symbol 1.000\S+0.010^-0.000;
\Qangle; Changes obliquing angle \Q20;IMSI
\Wvalue; Changes width factor to produce wide text \W2;IMSI
\A Sets the alignment value; valid values: 0, 1, 2(bottom, center, top) {\A0; 1}{\A1; 2}{\A2; 3} \SX+A/Y
\P Ends paragraph IMSI\PDoubleCAD
\X Creates a paragraph break. IMSI \X <...>
%%u Toggles underscoring on and off. %%uDoubleCAD
%%d Draws degrees symbol (°). %%dDoubleCAD
%%p Draws plus/minus tolerance symbol (±). %%pDoubleCAD
%%c Draws circle diameter dimensioning symbol . %%cDoubleCAD
%%% Draws a single percent sign (%). %%%140
%%nnn Draws character number nnn.NOTE: nnn will only work with ASCII values. If you wish to use Unicode characters of look up anASCII value. Use the Character Map Utility.

These codes can be inserted in a dimensions Attribute field, and Info fields.



You can also insert codes into the Prefix or Suffix fields, but these are limited to only a few characters.
