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Text Properties

The Text Properties provide a means for assigning text attributes to text entities and for setting the default attributes for newly created text. The text type, New or Selected, is displayed in parentheses.



The Font option displays a menu with a listing of all the font types available from the host system. Select the More option to display a floating tool palette that stays on the screen.


The Size menu allows specification of text size in point and model values. Select the User option to display a dialog box for custom point and model values.



The Style menu provides four options that impact text styles.


Left - Changes the justification of box (paragraph) text to left aligned.

Center - Changes the justification of box (paragraph) text to center aligned.

Right - Changes the justification of box (paragraph) text to right aligned.


Lower Case - Converts all selected text to lower case characters.

Upper Case - Converts all selected text to upper case characters.

Title Caps - Converts all selected text to upper case characters for the first letter of the word.

Show Only Used Fonts

Select this option to limit the Font drop-down menu options to fonts that are actively used in your design.